With infrared light, forensic investigators can tell you whether a document
is a forgery or whether paper currency is counterfeit. They can take a
paint chip and tell you the make, model, and age of a car. Now the boundaries
of infrared forensics are being pushed into uncharted territories by researchers
at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, and the results are promising
for criminal and antiterrorism investigations, as well as for historians
and archaeologists.
Working at the Advanced Light Source (ALS), an electron synchrotron that's
been optimized for the production of x-ray and ultraviolet light but also
generates intense beams of photons in the infrared (IR) spectrum, the
Berkeley Lab researchers have applied IR spectromicroscopy in a proof-of-principle
study to characterize a variety of inks on paper with unprecedented sensitivity.
They've also used these IR beams to obtain chemical "sweatprints"
that may be every bit as unique and ubiquitous as physical fingerprints.
"The combination of IR spectroscopy and microscopy is an extremely
powerful analytical technique," says Dale Perry, a chemist with Berkeley
Lab's Earth Sciences Division and one of the members of the team doing
this research. Other members of the team are Tom Wilkinson, Wayne McKinney
and Michael Martin.
The Infrared forensics team shown
here at ALS beamline 1.4.3 are (from left) Tom Wilkinson, Mike Martin,
Wayne McKinney, and Dale Perry. |
They've been conducting their proof-of-principle studies on the IR Spectromicroscope
at ALS beamline 1.4.3 which was designed under the leadership of McKinney
and is now managed by Martin. Beamline 1.4.3 is one of three experimental
endstations operating off a single ALS bend-magnet that make use of IR
IR forensics is derived from the fact that all molecules, because of
the nonstop motion of their atoms, vibrate at a characteristic frequency
which falls within the infrared spectrum. When an individual molecule
is struck by an infrared photon that matches its vibrational frequency
it will resonate, and this resonance, detected through a variety of spectroscopic
techniques, can be used to precisely identify the molecule, much like
a fingerprint can be used to identify an individual person.
The use of IR spectromicroscopy in forensics got its start back in 1949,
but its applications were sharply limited because a large sample size
was required for analysis. This changed with the commercialization of
thermal IR sources such as Globars (TM) in the early 1990s. Globars are
silicon-carbide filaments that radiate IR light when heated; using Globars,
forensics researchers are able to work with samples as small as 75 microns
(75 millionths of a meter). But even that can be excessive when dealing
with criminal evidence or precious historical artifacts.
Says Perry, "At the ALS, we can focus IR light down to a 10 micron
spot size [.0004 inches] or less. Thanks to the high brightness of the
light, we can also get about 200 times the sensitivity of a Globar. This
means we can work with much tinier sample sizes and see details that would
otherwise be missed using a Globar or any other conventional IR source."
Says Martin, "Another advantage is that we can shine an ALS infrared
beam on an unknown sample and determine its chemical composition without
the need for elaborate sample preparations. Also, IR light is nondestructive,
in that it does not break any bonds or change the chemical formula of
a sample. In tests, we've shown that a focused IR synchrotron beam heats
a sample by only .5 degrees Celsius."
In their most recent study, published in the June, 2002 issue of the
Journal of Applied Spectroscopy, Perry, Martin, McKinney and Wilkinson
worked with the U.S. Secret Service to demonstrate the effectiveness of
synchrotron-based IR spectromicroscopy on inks.
"The Secret Service is interested because they can use IR data on
ink to identify the possible origins of a document, verify that the document
is as old as it is claimed to be, and check if the same ink is used throughout
a document," says Perry. "IR data is also potentially effective
for identifying chemical aspects in other ink-based items such as currency
and stamps."
In the past, characterizing ink on paper has been a daunting task. Using
a Globar as the IR source, a sample of the ink must be extracted from
the paper before it can be analyzed. Typically, a hole is punched through
the paper with a hypodermic needle and the ink is chemically separated.
This approach is not only destructive, but may also alter the chemistry
of the ink before it is analyzed. Further complications arise from the
mere act of writing in ink. From the moment the ink is applied to the
paper, subtle chemical changes begin taking place as a result of the interaction
between ink and paper.
"We overcame these problems using ALS IR photons at wavelengths
of 2.5 to 25 microns to characterize ink samples," says Perry. "Our
light beam was so intense we could make rapid and direct spectromicroscopic
measurements of the inks without having to chemically separate them from
the paper."
Infrared spectra of ink on a paper
fiber using both synchtrotron and Globar infrared sources. The difference
in the two spectra is due to the much greater brightness of the synchrotron
light impinging on the fiber. |
Furthermore, because of the high spatial resolution, the Berkeley Lab
researchers were also able to create IR spectroscopic profiles of ink
and paper interfaces so they could determine where one ink ended and another
began in the same signature or line of print.
"The superior sensitivity and resolution of our synchrotron-based
approach demonstrates its nearly unlimited possibilities for looking at
very small fragmentary samples of ink on paper," says Perry.
Another study done earlier holds important possibilities for criminal
and antiterrorism investigations. This study involved the use of IR spectromicroscopy
to identify chemical sweatprints.
Everyone knows that when you touch something you leave behind a fingerprint
whose pattern of loops, whorls, arches and "tents" is distinctly
your own. What you may not know is that you also leave behind a minute
residue of chemicals --proteins, salts, and fatty acids -- whose proportions
to one another may also be distinctly your own.
Although the forensic jury is out as to whether chemical sweatprints
are as unique as physical fingerprints, the Berkeley Lab researchers were
able to correctly distinguish the sweatprints of three individuals.
"All of the oil metabolites in sweat have an IR spectrum. The question
is whether we can find and identify their spectra in the context of the
overall IR print spectrum which may contain many additional compounds,"
says Perry. "However, since we can analyze a sample less than 10
microns across, we have an advantage in that we can work with a sweatprint
that is smaller than a single ridge in a physical fingerprint."
An IR spectromicroscopic profile of a sweatprint might also reveal the
age and gender of the person leaving the sweat and possibly even identify
when the sweat was deposited, if the appropriate chemical markers can
be observed in the IR spectrum. In any case, since the technique is nondestructive,
once an IR profile has been acquired the undamaged sweatprint can be studied
further by other forensic techniques.
Synchrotron-based IR spectromicroscopy should also be applicable to the
characterization of trace amounts of biological fluids on cloth or blood
on glass; tracing explosive chemicals, poisons, or illicit drugs to their
manufacturers and suppliers; and even identifying the geographic origins
of dust particles.
Says Perry, "In light of what we've already demonstrated at the
ALS, synchrotron-based IR spectromicroscopy as a forensics tool has a
bright outlook."
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